simulierte Temperaturverteilung in einer Eruptionsäule mit Aschenstrom

PD Dr. Ulrich Knittel:


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when Pele stirs - bookcover 'When Pele Stirs : A Volcanic Tale of Hawai'i, Hemp, and High-Jinks'
von Wendell A Duffield

iUniverse Inc.

Euro 17,55
ISBN 0595302246

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Life in the Hawai'i Volcano Observatory: what most people would consider as an exciting life on the brink, is boring routine at times. At least as long as Pele, the hawaiian godess of volcanoes, sleeps. This is the experience of the book's heros at first.

But then the godess awakes. And the volcanologists have to face all those difficulties trying to interpret the seismic and other geophysical data. And again, men and women alike have to go out into the field to remeasure the volcano to find out, how serious the godess is ...

But not only volcanologists roam the slopes of the volcano. There are those hippies Jeb und Valerie who grow hemp for their own consumption. And there is Hak, the respected member of the Rotary Club, who also grows hemp, however in grand style for 'export' to the mainland ...

Finally a fissure eruption starts. And while the tourists enjoy the spectacle of the lava fountains, the volcanologists are puzzled by the volcano's behavior. And also the hemp farmer find themselves suddenly in the hot center of action ... and that in the real meaning of the word!

The author, Wendell Duffield, knows what he's talking about, because he has worked as an employee of the USGS at the Hawaii Volcano Oberservatory. Hence this book provides 'intimate' glimpses into the life of volcanologists working at a volcano observatory. To the present writer, he pays too much attention to the sex-life of his heros, given the fact that this a science thriller. Nevertheless (or because of that?!): this book is worthy reading for those interested in the work and life of volcanologists.

There is as yet no German translation of this book.

Dr. Ulrich Knittel